My Blog
Once or twice a week I publish an idea, question, insight or reflection. Topics can be inspired by world events, coaching conversations, random thoughts after a workshop, anything!
The blog also features guest writers too - colleagues, connections and friends who have a point of view to share.
If you would like to get these posts delivered direct to your inbox, please subscribe below - I won't sell or share your contact details and I NEVER spam.
Finally I'd love to hear your reaction is to what's posted here, so please comment away!
The best things I learned in training: Progress over perfection
Rules of the booth
Choosing your next role: An Alternative guide
The best things I learned in training: the stories the trainer tells
Inbound senior team leader
We don't want to reinvent the wheel...
The best things I learned in training: The trainer never stops
How do you use anger? (or does it use you?)
No one looks back and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep
The best things I learned in training: The language of leadership
Stating the obvious
10 powerful habits to outperform 99% of people who get ahead by using these 6 life hacks I wished I'd known 20 years ago
The best things I learned in training: Red rules and Blue rules
Playfulness at work...
Are you listening?