I've previously written that job descriptions are almost always out of date as soon as they are written. And if you're already in a role, that counts for yours too
An in that fact lies an opportunity
What about the scope of your current role would you change? What's stopping you from changing it? What could you do that a) you want to and b) adds value to the organization because if you can answer a) and b) above, then the phrase "other duties as necessary" is your friend here
Create a plan, get input from your trusted advisors, make small changes and start. You don't have to wait for permission*
I've seen people start book clubs, run coaching circles, implement process improvements in their department, start win / loss interviews with clients and more. Because they wanted to make a difference and they wanted to do it themselves
What could you try?
*Remember you do need to make sure your regular work is taken care of