It often seems like we are all exhorted to be more productive, more innovative, more curious, more focused more more more. And one of the "more's" is creative...
How do you become more creative? Your environment shapes your thinking so do your daily actions: Working on the principle of GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) one way is to mix up your inputs
if you read liberal news outlets, try a conservative one for a week. If you're conservative, try a liberal perspective in the news. You don't have to agree - just gain a different perspective
change your commute for a week - take a cab not the bus, try the train not the car, use a bike or even walk
brush your teeth with the "wrong" hand
Do a "book club lite": Agree on a book you are all interested in - find a summary on line (the Amazon Sample or summary page is a decent way to do it - there are others) and have your group review it then discuss it - you can do multiple books "lite" in a week - and I'm always astonished by the insights others have
Try an NSDR session
Bonus suggestion: If you are trying to be creative about a specific goal, plan out a series of actions that would achieve the opposite result... For example if your marketing plan is "Capturing the teen market," you might list ideas for "Driving teen customers away" say, playing Barry Manilow songs in your stores (Sorry Manilow fans). Then reverse each idea again to reveal an innovative way to capture the teen market—say, an ad campaign in which Barry Manilow warns
teenagers against your stores
What do you do to speak your own creativity?