It took me years to own that sentence. And when I got it, it opened doors that had been closed to me, created opportunities for growth, mentorship and development.

You see I thought I always had to have the answer, even if I didn't. (and if I worked with you when I was like that I apologize for being that way).
And then one day, my boss took me to one side after a meeting and told me, "Andrew you're smart, people like you and you have a deep knowledge of what we do and how we can help our clients. Don't blow it by pretending to know everything". She went on to give me three recent and accurate examples.
So I swallowed my pride and leaned in, I asked, "how do I avoid that?" and she gave m a huge smile and said, "easy, if you don't know, say so!" And then she hooked me by going on to tell me that I almost always knew who to call to get the answer and if they didn't know she was yet to find me stumped.
I still have to remind myself it's OK and I still catch myself about to give an answer... When I fess up and say it though, my clients and colleagues don't think the less of me, in fact I've seen the bond strengthened.
What do you know?