Sometimes we need to bring playfulness into the workplace. It relieves tension, brings a smile to faces, build relationships. Play has many benefits. One of the greatest playful episodes of my career (and there have been many) is the Tim Tam Slam!

On this the 11th anniversary of my initiation I wanted to share the joy that is the Tim Tam Slam! So get your Tim Tams and hot beverage of choice ready (tea, hot cocoa, coffee etc) and off we go
Step 1: Bask in the glory of your Tim Tam
Step 2: Grip the biscuit between your thumb and index finger
Step 3: Take a small bite out of one corner of the biscuit
The emphasis is on small—your goal here is simply to create an opening large enough to expose the wafers and creme filling within
Step 4: Repeat with the diametrically opposite corner
Step 5: Hold your biscuit at one of the unbitten corners
Step 6: Using the Tim Tam like a straw, suck the hot liquid through the biscuit
You’re going to need to suck pretty hard (pause), and you should stop as soon as you feel the hot chocolate/tea/coffee hit your lips
Step 7: Slam the entire, sodden biscuit into your mouth
Don’t tarry: Starting from when the liquid hits your lips, you’ve got about three seconds before the structural integrity of the biscuit is compromised. When it hits your tongue, it will disintegrate and unleash its warm, gooey core into your mouth, like a chocolaty Gusher. (Pro tip: Right before slamming, turn the biscuit upright so that the part that was in the hot beverage is pointing to the ceiling. This will allow some of the liquid to seep down to the area near your fingers, which will be the least melted.)
Step 8: (Optional) Repeat until you feel physically ill
The full process with pictures and more editorial can be found here: