This week is International Coaching Week and to join the celebration of the art, science and practice of coaching I wanted to share some of the question my clients and I have developed, borrowed, lifted and used together.
Am I attempting to mind-read somebody in this situation?
Is this thought arising from shame or fear? What is a thought I can have from self-compassion or hope instead?
(When making a decision) what course of action will help me get to my long term goal?
How do my values align / contradict this situation?
What could I let go of right now?
What am I avoiding here? What is the uncomfortable truth?
What answer feels easiest to me?
What advice would my future self give me?
What assumptions am I making right now?
Is there a way I am benefiting or protecting myself from continuing to believe or act this way?
Where am I feeling this in my body? What does that sensation have to tell me?
If nobody was watching or judging me, what decision would I make?
Would this decision make my life bigger or smaller?
Do I want to keep thinking this thing? Why or why not?