I worked at a global printing company. Talk about an industry in disruption. From plates made with phototypesetting (look it up) to digital workflows; from proofing documents via courier and express delivery services to PDFs proofed via a secure server. All under the banner Business Process Redesign

There was a lot of change. And in the middle of that people began to burn out, lose focus, fall behind. A prime reason cited was too many meetings. One of the OD projects I was on worked with senior leadership teams on better team behaviors. And my favorite was Be Here Now
In a meeting? No laptops, mobile phones. Just you paying attention to the topic at hand. And the results were amazing (OK that's a little sarcastic)
When we were all focused we had better discussions, reviewed more pertinent data, made better decisions and...got better results After that realization we added - show up on time for the meeting and do the prereading to show up prepared
This was almost 25 years ago!
Distraction costs you focus and your focus is what you're paid for
How do you stay focused?