What is creating line of sight?
As a leader you need to help people make personal connections with the organization strategy and their role in it. They need to know how what they do connects to the big picture they keep hearing about
When to use it?
Use this skill before or during any restructuring, merger, acquisition or change and, at the start of a new financial year
Do it with EVERY new hire too
How to do it?
You can’t lead people in a direction unless you are clear about it yourself. To
understand where your organization is going, you need to stay current
and do your homework. Get informed
Be clear about the direction and your role in it
Make sure you understand the direction you hear from your management
Deal with any mixed feelings you may have about any shifts in direction with your own manager & talk with her or him and put those doubts to rest
Get a sense of best practice in your industry from a search of industry associations, the web or speaking to your network
Work on your own version of the message
People don't want the standard corporate line, they want to hear from you. Make sure to speak about
Where the organization is heading
Why this direction make sense
What the current reality is internally
How you see the organization closing the gap and
The roles your team and other work groups and individuals will play in accomplishing goals
There is no one size fits all message
Tailor the above message to each person or team you speak with. Use examples, KPI / OKRs that suit each person / team. LISTEN for concerns or pushback and be sure to take those back up the chain of command for review