When your in B2B sales you are expected to

Add value during the sales process, helping the client think deeper and better about their goals
Be clear on how your solution solves the client pain , helps achieve their goal or avoids a negative outcome
Show the value you can add above and beyond their expectation
All straightforward but in one workshop one big idea came up - whatever the client is trying to fix, avoid or accomplish is always what the organization wants. The business result
BUT if you go deeper and ask a few more questions you can find the other element that will help you win that sale. What is it in your solution that will benefit the person you are dealing with?
The personal win
The personal win might be how the person leaves a legacy as they leave that role or company or retire. Their win might be part of their bid for their next promotion or a stepping stone to a new department. But the win is about them (as well as the business result)
The emotional impact of delivering the combination of the business result AND giving a personal win can be the impetus for getting the deal over the line
How often do you ask, "what would getting this project implemented successfully mean for you personally?"