Almost the first training class I took was the Franklin Covey Time Management Essentials
A day long course that got to the heart of planning and prioritizing, reflecting and adjusting.
As I recall the outline was something like:
Write out all your tasks for the day including any carryovers from yesterday (you can do this at the start or the end of your day)
Assign each task a 1-3 priority
1 - Must do
2 - Must be done soon
3 - If I can get it done today
Mark any "in process" tasks with an asterisk
Any additional tasks that come in during the day get added to the list using the above system
As you complete tasks cross it off your list
And the next day you repeat
The day after that you need to see if any taks have carried over for 3 days in a row and stop to reflect on why they have done that, and what you need to do to either get them completed or off your list
It was a simple workshop whose principles I have used ever since. I've expanded and edited it, but what a great foundation!
So as you begin 2025 - what is on your list? Any carryovers from 2024 you want to leave behind? What new tasks do you want to include?