I've run countless leadership development classes on giving recognition yet I'm still to see one that contains a section on how to receive a compliment. Receiving a compliment can sometimes feel awkward, but it's a great opportunity to practice gratitude and humility. Here are a few tips on how to receive a compliment gracefully:
Express Gratitude: The most straightforward and impactful response is a genuine "Thank you." Acknowledging the compliment indicates that you value the gesture
Smile: A warm smile can convey gratitude and acceptance. It also makes the interaction more genuine and pleasant
Avoid Downplaying: Resist the urge to downplay or dismiss the compliment. Phrases like "Oh, it was nothing" or "I just got lucky" can unintentionally undermine the compliment and the person giving it
Acknowledge the Specifics: If someone compliments something specific, like a project you worked on or an outfit you're wearing, you can respond with a comment about the effort you put into it. For example, "Thank you! I spent a lot of time on that project, so I'm glad you liked it"
Share Credit: If the compliment involves teamwork, it's nice to acknowledge others who contributed. For instance, "Thanks! I had a great team helping me out"
Return a Compliment: If appropriate, you can reciprocate with a compliment of your own, but make sure it's genuine and relevant. Avoid forced or insincere compliments, as they can feel disingenuous
Practice Humility: Accept the compliment without boasting or becoming overly confident. Staying humble helps maintain balance
Reflect on Your Achievements: Accepting compliments can be a reminder of your strengths and achievements. Take a moment to reflect on what you did well and how you can build on it
Use Humor (When Appropriate): Sometimes, a light-hearted response can make the exchange more comfortable. For example, if someone compliments your outfit, you might say, "This old thing, I put this on when I don't know what to wear!"
Be Mindful of Cultural Differences: Different cultures have varying norms regarding responding to compliments, with some favoring modesty and others preferring direct acceptance. Being aware of these differences can help you respond appropriately in diverse settings
The world is full of those who will talk you down and undermine your achievements so when you get a compliment - make the most of it!