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The best things I learned in training: The language of leadership

Writer: Andrew J CalvertAndrew J Calvert

What's in a question?

  • Not all questions are created equal

    • Questions with yes / no limited possible responses or numbers / dates are closed questions and if asked too many those you are speaking with might feel interrogated

    • Open questions allow the person you're speaking with to answer in their own words which is more informative for both of you

  • One exception in open questions is the word why. Why makes us defensive, pushes us to justify our decision behaviour, instead ask more open quesitons starting with, " what..?" or "tell me about..?"

The power of neutral honest language

  • Being objective sends a powerful message about not being manipulative. When you share facts, data, and knowledge for example you might say, "We're implementing a new marketing plan for the product launch." No need to talk it up or put it down - just the facts...

  • Refrain from judgments and criticism; again being factual helps you," the merger will create uncertainty"

  • Take responsibility for opinions, impressions, and reactions. "I know it's a challenging time for everyone."



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