is a book I'm reading by Hannah Jane Parkinson. In just 235 pages she takes you from the perfect dressing gown and kissing to private jokes, petrichor and perfect pens. It is a manifesto for the celebration of life's simple pleasures
She and I share many - dogs in parks, open fires, baths, chocolate, good coffee and more, in fact Hannah lists over 100 small things she takes joy in. As I turned each page I added her joys to my list or not as the case may be and I began to create my own list:

Hugs from my sons
The "pfft!" from an expertly opened bottle of champagne
Writing when the mood takes me
Bobbing in neck deep waves and being pushed around by them
Laughing with friends
Listening to the wind in the trees
Music on headphones
Watching the sunset with my wife
Music on loudspeakers
Live jazz with trumpets, trombones and sax's
A well made Crème Brule
What is on your list?